Local painting








Auto-Master local painting

Is there a scratch or chip on the car? No need to paint the entire hood, just sign up for a local painting.

Local painting is carried out in several stages:
- damage assessment;
- preparation of details;
- local painting of auto parts;
- polishing.

Types of local painting

1. Technical.
European technologies are used, the selection of paint colors using computer technology.
2. Household.
Carrying out local staining without the help of masters. However, it will be very difficult to sell a car at a high price later, since the painted area will be different.
3. Pencil.
For minor damage in the form of stripes. For this method, a special pencil is used.
Why Auto Master?
In general, the process of local painting will help to reduce the resale value of the car much less compared to full painting. a car with a factory coating is more valuable when selling. Call AutoMaster! Our masters will quickly and efficiently paint all the necessary areas and provide a guarantee for their work. We also work with both legal entities and individuals.

With whom we have been working for more than a year. We are a certified service center with professional mechanics.

> 0
Changes are done monthly.
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We carry out replacements within 1 day
minutes needed for diagnosis
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Satisfied customers
0 км.
Guarantees for the work of specialists
Years - total experience of mechanics